
Campus Rothenburg meets Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern!

Expertengespräch mit Prof. Dr. Ritam Garg!

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Department for International Management der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg wurde Prof. Dr. Garg zu einem Experteninterview eingeladen. Das Interview wurde für einen VHB-Kurs zum Thema International Marketing aufgezeichnet, welcher zur Zeit konzipiert wird. Darüber hinaus ist Prof. Dr. Garg für den künftigen Kurs der zentrale Ansprechpartner an der Hochschule Ansbach. Nachfolgend geben wir schon mal einen kurzen Einblick und stellen den 7-Punkte-Plan vor, der zum Erfolg von multinationalen Kooperationen in Emerging Markets beitragen soll und über den Prof. Dr. Garg im Interview spricht:

  1. Breakthrough Management – Be aware of the invisible environmental stimuli, and make corrections on the run.
  2. Fishbowl principle – Instead of planning based on assumptions, experience the markets, and tailor your portfolio accordingly.
  3. Develop steep learning curve – Many of these markets are dynamic in nature, and conditions can change from one day to another, so be prepared to make changes and learn from it.
  4. Localization – Adapt your products and services as per the needs of the respective markets, which are unique and differ from market to market.
  5. Engage with the community – Almost 2/3 of the population in emerging markets live in the rural areas with huge aggregate purchasing power. Empower them today, so that they become your customers tomorrow.
  6. Anticipate intra-cultural differences – Many of these markets are culturally complex, and may exhibit multiple cultures, convictions, customs, cuisines, and costumes. So assuming these markets as a homogeneous entity might backfire.
  7. Be in for a long-run – Prepare to invest for a long-run. Short-term plans will not yield the desired results.

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