
Neuer Artikel von Prof. Dr. Ritam Garg: „Circular Economy“

Prof. Dr. Ritam Garg hat eine neue Publikation im „Innovation for Sustainability in Engineering and Management“ veröffentlicht!

Es gibt eine neue Veröffentlichung von Prof. Dr. Ritam Garg, dem Leiter des Studiengangs Interkulturelles Management. Die Publikation trägt den Titel „Circular Economy“. Er erklärt, was hinter dem Begriff Circular Economy steckt, die Prinzipien dahinter und erläutert die aktuellen Entwicklungen.

Genauere Informationen und Einblicke zu der Publikation von Prof. Garg bietet das folgende Abstract: 

Circular Economy is not a new topic per se, and is an amalgamation of different school of thoughts in economics. Of late the topic of CE is gaining a lot of attention within the European Union, with sustainability oriented NGOs, entrepreneurs, organizations, and interest groups engaging with EU institutions, and policy makers in an attempt to further the overall cause. Moreover, the concept of CE itself has transformed over the years from a linear to circular to finally being accepted in its current form since the report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation. In order to highlight the increasing importance, and the subsequent significance of CE, this article first provides a general overview of the circular economy, and the principles behind it, followed by the beginnings, and finally the recent developments. The primary focus of the study is to showcase the performance of select EU Member States. The article categorizes the countries in separate groups in order to provide a representative sample of top, medium, and worst performers in terms of CE performance. The article ends with the main findings, and subsequent discussions.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Prof. Garg für diese Publikation – wir sind gespannt auf weitere Veröffentlichungen!  

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