
Publikation von Prof. Dr. Ritam Garg im “Field Guide to Intercultural Research”

Paper von Prof. Garg zum Thema “Overcoming challenges in intercultural interviewing: the role of intercultural training for early-career researchers”.

Prof Dr. Ritam Garg ist Leiter des Bachelorstudiengangs Interkulturelles Management hier am Campus Rothenburg. Er veröffentlicht außerdem regelmäßig Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen zu verschiedensten Themen. Sein neuester Beitrag wurde im “Field Guide to Intercultural Research” veröffentlicht, an dem über 40 Beitragende mitgewirkt haben. Er vermittelt den Leser:innen Best Practices, Erfahrungen und Einblicke in methodologische Debatten über die Rolle der Kultur und interkulturellen Herausforderungen für Forscher:innen. 

Hier ist das Abstract des Beitrags von Prof. Garg:

For a very long time, scholars active in the field of intercultural management research have emphasized the importance of intercultural training to overcome the cultural barriers in the context of ease of doing business with people from other cultural backgrounds. However, the need to train the researchers involved in these contexts has largely been overlooked. In order to collect the right kind of data and thus have a successful interview outcome, researchers often face a significant challenge in how to conduct the interview with a candidate based in another country. Thus, this article contributes to the intercultural literature by further detailing the much-needed information surrounding intercultural training for early-career scholars. This entails consideration of the most effective ways to conduct qualitative interviews, which in turn fosters the development of intercultural competence, and hence balances intercultural nuances. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to present a general approach toward intercultural training, which will be useful, and support the researchers in their early-career stage for the subsequent research projects dealing with intercultural encounters.

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